Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Art of Blogging

Is it an art at all? By the way people blog these days, you'd surely think so!

Up until this precise moment in time, I've been loyal to Myspace, however, I don't enjoying blogging as much as I think I could. Why? Well, I'm a bit...random. Random. Yes, that's probably the best word for it. A fleeting thought or feeling will fly through my head at jet speeds and I'll get the brilliant idea to "blog it." Really, I plaster it to my Myspace page and it's really meaningless. It has no meaning. Meaningless = having no meaning. Anyway, it's not satisfying, so here I am trying blogspot.

Shall I tell you a bit about myself?! I know you're excited! I live in Tucson, but I grew up in Yuma. Yuma was good while it lasted, but I'll never have an address there again for about 3 really good reasons. So anyway, I came to Tucson to get my BS in Educational Sign Language Interpreting (this isn't ASL I-IV...it's a bit different...I just like getting that out of the way because it's usually the first question about what I do), which I'm getting in a couple weeks. A year and a half ago, I got my MRS. That's right. Sarah Fisher dated a boy and fell in love with him! Unheard of! You'd fall in love with him if you met him, too. Lucky for me, God says he can't marry you now :-D So now, it's Sarah Hewlett and I'm pretty darn proud of that.

I'm a bit opinionated, but I'm empathetic and understanding. I'm kind about things and I can usually see issues from the other perspective. This makes it easy to keep the peace. However, the following things are important to remember about me and what I think:

  • Goals are important, but striving for those goals is even more important
  • I like flat shoes and chapstick
  • I like messing with my hair and I don't like other people analyzing it
  • Childhood doesn't have to end
  • Surprisingly, being married doesn't mean you have to fall off the face of the earth. It means you have a partner to come along with you when you bother people
  • I never want to seclude myself
  • Always say thank you even if you don't think you need to. You probably need to.
  • I make a point not to judge people before I know them. I've been that victim. It's no bueno!
  • I like twinkly Christmas lights
  • I like Christmas and not because of the presents or the misconceived idea of what it is. In fact, I probably wouldn't like Christmas if I lived in the Southern Hemisphere.
  • I am happy anywhere I go
  • I have strong opinions feelings about parents living their kids/young adult's lives
  • I like chocolate
  • But I love curros
  • And I love and need Chad :-D
And now, it's finally time to go to class...lucky for you all :-D